Workers strike against low wages and safety issues during the Panama Canal expansion

Workers strike against low wages and safety issues during the Panama Canal expansion.

An AP story called “Workers Strike Panama Canal Expansion Project” tells why 6,000 Panama workers are on strike against multinational contractors that are building a $5.25 expansion:

Workers representative Rolando Gonzalez says the employees want the base wage raised from $2.90 per hour to $4.90, and the wage for the most skilled workers raised from $3.52 per hour to $7.10.

Employees of the multinational construction consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal claim the firm has failed to pay them some overtime and vacation pay. They are also complaining about deficient workplace safety.

Gonzalez said Tuesday the strike will continue indefinitely. The company acknowledged in a press statement that some data-entry errors apparently had been committed when the company recently switched payroll systems.

More at this NPR link