The ITF has issued the following memo and draft letter to all affiliates. Please take action TODAY to support the MUNZ workers in their fight for jobs at Auckland.

After an apparent positive step forward in the Ports of Auckland dispute earlier this week the situation has escalated yet again with management issuing a lock out notice to 300 wharfies. This would come into effect in 2 weeks time with workers free to return to work in the interim period. BUT in a further underhand move, POAL has already locked the gates at the port amounting to an illegal lockout of workers.

The ITF is now calling on the Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown to step in and take control of the rogue members of his board who are running the port into the ground and showing blatant disregard for the rights of workers.


Our message to the mayor has been updated in light of these developments. Please send him a message NOW calling for POAL Chairman Richard Pearson and CEO Tony Gibson to be replaced. See the text below for a letter template, or download it in a Word document here.

Your support in this fight for a fair deal is now more important then ever. Go the Auckland campaign page for more on the dispute.

In solidarity,

ITF dockers’ section


Dear Mayor Brown,

We are distressed to hear about the latest developments in the Ports of Auckland involving the illegal locking out of workers. We had believed that progress was being made in resolving this dispute and that management was prepared to re-enter negotiations with the Maritime Union of New Zealand.

We call on you to listen to the overwhelming support for Auckland workers both within your own community and around the world, and take steps to resolve this crisis before the port is run into the ground and confidence in your council is irretrievably lost. The rogue members of your board, namely POA Chairman Richard Pearson and CEO Tony Gibson, have resorted to dirty, underhand tactics in this dispute and are tarnishing the reputation of the board with each new aggressive assault on workers.

Auckland workers are fighting for a fair deal, for their livelihoods, their future and their families. We know these are things, as Mayor of Auckland, that you will also strive to preserve. We have full confidence that you will act swiftly to replace those board members who seek to undermine the core labour rights values that we all hold so dear.

Yours Sincerely,