The Oakland A’s plans to build a waterfront ballpark and development hit a setback March 16 after a state committee recommended against eliminating maritime use at the Howard Terminal site to make way for the team’s $12 billion plan.

The Seaport Planning Advisory Committee’s decision came after 4 1/2 hours of discussion and public comment. Some committee members said they were concerned that the port would give up valuable space used for freight and truck parking — particularly if cargo usage at the port increases. Six members voted against recommending eliminating maritime uses, and three voted in favor of it. One member abstained.

The committee’s decision is not final. Its vote is a recommendation to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, a state agency that protects the bay. BCDC’s approval is needed for the A’s to build at Howard Terminal.

The BCDC meeting is scheduled for June 2. The A’s will need to get a two-thirds vote of support to move forward with the project.

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