International Longshore and Warehouse Union

International Executive Board

Vancouver, British Columbia

August 17 – 18, 2017


The events in Charlottesville call upon each of us to speak out boldly against white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and white nationalism in all forms. Racism, anti-Semitism, hatred and fear should have no place in America.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) condemns hatred, bigotry, and violence against our friends and neighbors. We grieve for the lives lost and pray for those critically injured as a result of the domestic terrorism committed in Charlottesville. We pour out our hearts to everyone in the Charlottesville community, and to those around the country who are traumatized by witnessing such barbaric, racist acts.

When tearing down symbols of hate sparks such vitriolic backlash, the work to fully dismantle racism from our society is far from over. We recognize the progress achieved as communities finally remove the white supremacist monuments that stain our country. Our nation needs more healing, unifying, and transformation to live up to our values of respect equality, diversity, and freedom.

The ILWU is committed to advancing racial justice, as doing so is fundamental to working people uniting to create better workplaces and a more inclusive economy. Standing shoulder to shoulder together makes us stronger as a people and a nation.

This moment calls upon our entire membership to combat violent and exclusionary systems of white nationalism and white supremacy smoldering in our communities and institutions. It is more important now than ever before in our lifetimes.

We stand on the shoulders of men and women who fought this struggle. It is up to us to build the America that we and our future generations want and deserve. Together, along with our allies, let’s demand a future firmly rooted in love, equity, diversity, peace safety, opportunity, and human solidarity.

We urge every affiliate of the ILWU to put this resolution before their membership for adoption. We urge every member to get off the couch, and put our bodies on the line with like-minded citizens and neighbors in public denunciation of hate.

Heather Heyer PRESENTE



ILWU Local 10 united with 'Stop Fascist Terror' sign

ILWU Local 10 united with ‘Stop Fascist Terror’ sign. Photo by Kevin Stewart

Charlottesville: Unite Against White Supremacy

Heather Heyer PRESENTE