Adapted from a Fresh Air Vallejo news release:
The powerful San Francisco-based International Longshore and Warehouse Union 10 has announced its strong opposition to the proposed Orcem Cement Factory and Vallejo Marine Terminal.
The project was rejected by the Vallejo planning commission in late February. The full Vallejo City Council is expected to vote on the plan at the end of May.
The President of ILWU Local 10, Edwin Ferris, said, “ILWU Local 10 supports the citizens of Vallejo in their opposition to the proposed Vallejo Marine Terminal project. It would be quite irresponsible to support this proposed project at the expense of the health of the environment and the local community.” said Ferris.
“We are grateful the ILWU sees that the job numbers Orcem and VMT have tried to claim are grossly inflated for a project whose harm to Vallejo outweighs any possible benefit,” said Peter Brooks, president of Fresh Air