Bernie Sanders prevailed in Oregon, which sends 61 pledged delegates to the Democratic convention this summer. With 75 percent of precincts reporting, Sanders led Clinton, 54.5 percent to 45.5 percent. It’s the first time Sanders has won a primary closed to unaffiliated voters.
Bernie Sanders won Oregon’s Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday. … Sanders’ campaign has said that neither candidate will arrive at the convention with a majority of pledged delegates and that his campaign could still convince superdelegates siding with Clinton to switch their allegiances. He has argued that he would be the best candidate to take on the GOP’s presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, and that superdelegates would change their minds about Clinton if they paid attention to general election polling showing Sanders performing better against Trump.
The end of the primary is approaching, so Sanders has limited opportunities to make up his delegate deficit. California, New Jersey, North and South Dakota, the District of Columbia, New Mexico and Montana hold the nation’s last Democratic contests in June.