Despite the impending break-up of both the G6 and CKHYE alliances, both have announced plans to launch Asia-US east coast services, deploying neo-panamax vessels.
However, the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) this week warned carriers there were increasing concerns about the safety of maneuvring larger vessels in the new locks.
An ITF-commissioned study, by Brazil’s Fundação Homem de Mar (FHM), concluded that the locks’ dimensions are too small for safe operation (with both gates closed); that there are no refuge areas for tugboats inside the locks, leaving no room for failure (human error, miscommunication, broken lines or engine failure); that the bollard pull is insufficient and, as a result, manoeuvrability of the vessel was compromised in the locks under the average environmental conditions in Panama. In milder conditions the exercise was concluded safely, it added.