The ILWU Coast Longshore Division mourns the loss of Manuel “Manny” Stimson, age 78, who worked on the docks for five decades. From the San Jose Mercury News:

A veteran longshoreman died after his after a truck plunged into the bay near the Port of Oakland’s TraPac terminal in Oakland, Calif., on Friday, May 17, 2013. Oakland police held a press conference with union members afterwards. (Jane Tyska/Bay Area News Group)
Michael Villeggiante, president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10, right, speaks to the media after a truck plunged into the bay near the Port of Oakland’s TraPac terminal in Oakland, Calif., on Friday, May 17, 2013. Left to right behind him are Sean Farley, president of ILWU Local 34, and other union members Fred Gilliam (91), Ed Henderson (10) and Frank Gaskin (10). To the far right is Oakland Police Spokeswoman Johnna Watson. Despite rescue attempts, a well-loved veteran longshoreman died in the accident.