“We have not brought in any replacement workers,” Pat McCormick said Sunday. “We are working with United Grain personnel only.” McCormick is the spokesman for the Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association.
Asked if there is any indication the talks will resume, McCormick said, “I think we’re (the three companies) meeting midweek to discuss the request from the union for a meeting.”
McCormick said work is happening at United Grain at the Port of Vancouver.
“Operations have resumed to a certain normality,” he said. “We completed loading last night, and the ship departed last night without incident.”
Jennifer Sargent said union workers were feeling support.
“The folks down at the picket line are getting a lot of support from the community and people seem to really understand that the local workers are up against huge foreign corporations,” she said in a statement Sunday. “The community appreciates the longshore workers’ generosity over the years, and we’re all hoping the foreign corporations will get back to the bargaining table and reach an agreement and get folks back to work.”