West Coast dockworkers are refusing to load or unload Russian cargo entering or leaving all 29 West Coast ports in the United States, one of the nation’s most powerful unions announced Thursday, March 3. The action in solidarity with the people of Ukraine comes as Russia shows no sign of letting up on its invasion of the country and amid widespread sanctions against Russia. 

“With this action in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, we send a strong message that we unequivocally condemn the Russian invasion,” said Willie Adams, president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Workers Union, which represents some 20,000 dockworkers in California, Oregon, and Washington. “West Coast dockworkers are proud to do our part to join with those around the world who are bravely taking a stand and making sacrifices for the good of Ukraine.”

In a press release, the union called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “an act of aggression that endangers a population of more than 40 million people, including millions of innocent men, women and children.” 

Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/4aw5x3/20000-dockworkers-refuse-to-unload-russian-cargo-at-29-west-coast-ports