Activity at Argentina ports was brought to a halt as a 24-hour strike started by the dockworkers spread to more unions and other sectors of the marine operations. Unlike most strikes that focus on wages and working conditions, the workers are on strike demanding COVID-19 vaccinations.

“We are concerned about the lack of responses from state authorities regarding the need to vaccinate workers in our sector who have worked throughout the pandemic,” wrote the large union Urgara announcing its plans to join the strike. “Our priority is to protect the health of workers and their families, and we will make it known, because we are essential.”

“We had previous meetings with government entities, ministries, ministers, and other national and provincial institutions,” said the labor federation FeMPINRA. They complained that they never received a thorough answer from the officials, “even as the situation was getting worse. We reached the limit of having dead on board. This is how the decision was made, which is public knowledge, as a way to request the commitment of a vaccination schedule.”