Starting this Saturday, October 10, and until Election Day, Longshore Workers and our family members are urged to volunteer in 2-hour shifts from home for the “Union Workers for Biden” virtual phone bank. Here’s why it’s critical for us to step up now:
“As the nation faces the weight of an ongoing pandemic, the corrosion of labor law, environmental protection, budget cuts in education, public services, growing tolerance of racism and gender prejudice, the collapse of the health care system, and ongoing economic recession, there has never been a more urgent time to defeat Donald Trump than in this presidential election,” said Willie Adams, ILWU International President. “The specter of Trump appointing more Supreme Court justices will tilt the balance of this Court and other federal courts to the far right for decades to come and is a major threat to U.S. democracy. It is time for Vice President Biden to be elected President of the United States, restore dignity to the office, reverse the hateful, divisive and harmful policies of Trump, and lead the United States for the next four years.”
Thousands of union members are needed to make an impact in critical swing states.
First time sign-up:
The Biden Campaign is offering phone banking for Union Members every Saturday starting at 10:00 am Pacific Time until the election. Each volunteer is required to participate in a training before phone banking, and the Saturday sessions include a brief training before the start.
- Union Members For Biden Saturday sign-up:
Once a volunteer has participated in the initial Saturday phone bank session, they have the option to phone bank at any given time on their own. The general phone bank link and sign up info can be found here:
- General Phone Bank (if you have training) link :
Please be advised that all phone banking needs to happen outside of union time and on a volunteer basis.
Thank you for your help. We look forward to celebrating a victory for Biden/Harris on November 3, 2020!