From an opinion piece by Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Donald Trump on Monday announced a new NAFTA draft treaty, renamed for showtime as the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new pact contains some much needed reforms — and falls glaringly short in critical areas.
Trump’s deal makes some significant reforms that should be applauded. It reins in the outrageous Investor State Dispute Settlement, curbing the ability of corporations to use private tribunals to collect millions and attack environmental and health policies. It raises safety standards on trucks coming from Mexico, a significant concern for citizens across the country.
But there is much in Trump’s new trade deal that reflects the corrupt corporate dealings of the old NAFTA. Big oil won the ability to sustain the private tribunals for its operations in Mexico. Big Pharma won increased monopoly protections. The price of drugs will go up Canada and Mexico and stay up in the U.S. as a result of this agreement.
More work remains to be done. As Lori Wallach of Citizen Trade Watch notes, “Unless there are strong labor and environmental standards that are subject to swift and certain enforcement, U.S. firms will continue to outsource jobs to pay Mexican workers poverty wages, dump toxins and bring their products back here for sale.”