Commissioner Rebecca Dye of the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission, as part of “phase two” of the agency’s ongoing Fact Finding 28 demurrage and detention investigation, has scheduled field interviews at Ports on New York, Florida and California as well as in her Washington, DC office:
- Los Angeles and Long Beach from Oct. 17 to 19.
- Port Everglades and Port of Miami from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2.
- Port of New York and New Jersey from Nov. 7 to 9.
To prepare the Fact Finding 28 investigation’s final report recommendations, Dye said she will spend the next two months meeting with ocean carriers, marine terminals, shippers, ocean transportation intermediaries and drayage service providers. These meetings will be conducted both at her office, as well as outside Washington, D.C. Dye has stated she maintains an “open-door” policy and wants to hear from any party with a view on this topic.