The site was formerly home to the 520 Floating Bridge Construction project from 2011 to 2015 and has since been idle.
The Port of Grays Harbor has won the bidding for the former site of the 520 Bridge Pontoon Casting Basin.
The Port bid of $4,520,520.07 will purchase the 55-acre site in Aberdeen utilizing WSDOT’s real estate contract which requires a 15 percent down payment with a 20-year contract at 8 percent.
The contract also allows for third-party financing without penalty.
“We are excited to add this strategic piece of property to the Port’s portfolio,” shared Commission President Jack Thompson. “There is no other piece of property on the Harbor with rail access and industrial waterfront adjacent to the Port’s existing marine terminal operations. The pontoon site has long been considered by the Port as a strategic piece of property to increase the community’s international trade position. By applying the Port’s business model of working with private investors to develop sites we are confident the property will be back to generating economic activity for the community soon.”