Shipments through the Port of Oakland of containerized fresh fruit and vegetable have jumped 36 percent since 2013, according to data released this week. The Port said further gains are likely as it adds capacity to handle temperature-controlled cargo. About $6.1 billion worth of containerized fruit and veg shipments moved through Oakland in 2017. The volume is equal to 135,000 containers.
“This is high-value cargo that has to be handled carefully and shipped promptly,” said Port of Oakland Maritime Director John Driscoll. “Growth in our volume would indicate that we’re doing the job effectively.” Exports accounted for 103,000 containers of Oakland’s 2017 fresh fruit and vegetable cargo volume. That was a 44 percent increase from four years ago. Fruit and vegetable imports jumped 16 percent.
According to, the Port said oranges and grapes were among top exports. Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong were leading export markets.