From Port Technology:

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), a global trade union federation, has deemed an international agreement a risk for maritime workers and citizens due to the potential impacts of companies in the transport industry gaining too much power.

In a campaign launch announcement against the agreement, the ITF accused the European Union and 22 other countries’ governments of negotiating in “virtual secrecy” on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), which aims to further international technological development.

Paddy Crumlin, ITF President, stated: “TiSA would supercharge the most powerful companies in the transport industry, giving them preferential treatment.

“What’s missing from this equation is any value at all for workers and citizens.”

Team TiSA’s corporate cheerleaders, which includes the likes of Microsoft, IBM and Google, and global logistics and transport operators like DHL, Fedex, and UPS, want global rules that allow them to run e-commerce and global supply chains seamlessly across the world using digital platforms and new technologies.

ITF believes that the TiSA could mean governments start removing national and local laws and practices that the corporations see as barriers, which could include protections for workers.

Crumlin added: “It creates serious barriers for any state wanting to invest in, manage and operate its national infrastructure or – crucially – to defend decent work and decent terms and conditions across transport.

“It is our duty as trade unionists to build the knowledge and alliances needed to challenge the secrecy and lack of democracy involved, and develop realistic, worker-centred alternatives.”

The ITF recently shared its views on the government of Madagascar after it faced an International Labour Organization (ILO) complaint over its treatment of 43 dockworkers who were sacked for joining a union.

From Port Technology