Trump vows to cut taxes for American workers, but his proposals would actually raise taxes for millions of middle-class Americans, while disproportionately reducing levies on the rich and real estate developers like himself.
Struggling blue-collar workers often voice disdain for billionaires, but millions of them have embraced Trump—maybe because they like his macho personality, his shock jock rhetoric and his defiant challenge to a system that they feel has been rigged against them.
So let’s drill down and examine what Trump’s policies would mean for workers. On one of the most important issues for workers – raising wages – Trump offers no coherent policy. One day he says wages are too high; another day he signals he might support a federal minimum wage increase, but maybe not.
Trump dislikes labor unions and hasn’t proposed anything to strengthen collective bargaining, which economic studies show can be an important tool to making sure that corporations share their profits and raise wages. Indeed, Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas is refusing to bargain with the labor union that represents that hotel’s workers. And notwithstanding Trump’s invective against undocumented immigrants, not only did he employ undocumented workers to do the demolition work for his signature Trump Tower in Manhattan, but he cheated many of them on wages.
Read the complete report by Greenhouse at the Huffington Post