One hundred sixty-one food, farm, faith and rural organizations have sent a letter to Capitol Hill urging lawmakers to reject The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.

“The main beneficiaries of the TPP are the companies that buy, process and ship raw agricultural commodities, not the farmers who face real risks from rising import competition. TPP imports will compete against U.S. farmers who are facing declining farm prices that are projected to stay low for years,” the organizations wrote.

The White House has promoted the TPP as an export-boon for farmers to generate support for the agreement, but past trade agreements have not always delivered on export promises, the letter noted.

“The TPP places the interests of international corporations ahead of American farmers and consumers,” said Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance Executive Director Judith McGeary. “Our laws should be decided by our elected officials, not unelected international bureaucrats who have already said that we don’t even have the right to know where our food comes from.”

The letter and complete list of signers can be read at

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