No deal, no work. That’s the ultimatum from hundreds of works in charge of sailing Matson ships to the state.

The clock is ticking for the company and crewmembers to reach a new contract. But with 10 days left, the union says talks are severely stalled.

Sailors and Marine firemen are putting the pressure on Matson Navigation Company to negotiate a deal now.

On July 1, 1,600 workers could hit the picket lines. About half of them Hawaii are crewmembers. If they do, Matson says it would shut down shipping to Hawaii.

Matson brings in three ships a week to Hawaii, loaded with about 1,300 containers per ship, everything from cars to food to flooring.

In a statement, Matson says it “…feels that there is sufficient time remaining to work out an agreement. We do not anticipate any disruption to our service.”

The unions say the major sticking point in negotiations is that Matson wants workers to take a pay cut so the company can buy two new ships at a price tag of $200 million a piece.