Port of Long Beach news release:
June 5 meeting set, public comments sought on proposal
The Port of Long Beach has released a recirculated draft environmental impact report examining a proposed grain export facility at Pier T on Terminal Island. A public hearing is scheduled for June 5 to gather comments on the recirculated draft EIR.
Total Terminals International LLC (TTI) has proposed to build a grain export facility that would enable the transfer of grain and a grain product known as “dried distillers grains with solubles” — both products would be used for cattle feed only — from railcars to ocean shipping containers. The facility would capitalize on the existing rail facilities and container yard to receive grain and dried distillers grains for export, with a capacity range of 750,000 to 2.8 million tons per year.
The facility would be built on 11.6 vacant acres adjacent to the current TTI container shipping terminal. A draft EIR was issued last year, but changes to the proposed project required that a recirculated draft EIR be developed and circulated.
The public hearing is scheduled for:
6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Long Beach City Hall Council Chambers
333 W. Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802Parking is available in a structure accessible off Broadway between Chestnut and Cedar avenues.
The public is encouraged to comment on the TTI Grain Terminal Facility recirculated draft EIR, which is available at http://www.polb.com/ceqa.
To send written comments, mail them to:
Richard D. Cameron, Director of Environmental Planning
Port of Long Beach
925 Harbor Plaza
Long Beach, CA 90802
or e-mail them to Cameron@polb.com.Comments on the recirculated draft EIR will be accepted through Monday, June 17, 2013.