Commenting on developments in the Port of Vancouver, Washington, USA, ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) acting general secretary Steve Cotton said:
The lockout of workers by Mitsui-United Grain will soon be entering its tenth week. The company choice of this tactic over honest negotiation has gained them nothing except local and international opprobrium.Steven Cotton, ITF
The recent spectacle of 12 carloads of police arriving to oversee a peaceful protest outside the Mitsui-owned United Grain Corporation terminal shows how the company’s intransigence is harming the local community – and the company’s reputation. If Mitsui insist on playing with fire they shouldn’t expect the Vancouver police department to have to don asbestos gloves on their behalf.
This situation demands a solution. The company can no longer evade that fact.
For more details of international trade union support for the locked out dockworkers, please see
ITF news release