The Puget Sound ports of Seattle (above) and Tacoma led the way in total container volume increases, with a total of about four percent.
Container volumes at West Coast ports increased 4 percent in December, but 2012 overall was a lackluster year as the total of import and export containers increased only 2 percent from 2011.
According to numbers published on the Web site of the Pacific Maritime Association, imports led the way, increasing 3 percent from 2011. Exports declined 1 percent. The drop in exports most likely resulted from slowing manufacturing in China and a subsequent drop in shipments of raw materials to that country.
The ports of Seattle and Tacoma outperformed other port regions, with the total container volume last year increasing 4 percent. The container volume in Los Angeles-Long Beach increased 1 percent, Oakland was flat, and the container volume in Portland dropped 2 percent.