MUNZ workers on strike

MUNZ workers on strike for better working conditions. President Garry Parsloe said, 'The idea that maintaining a family life is somehow up for sale is repugnant ... this sinister idea that you can just wave around some cash in people's faces and tell them to give up more time with their family when they already work long and unsocial hours.'

Striking wharfies say management at Ports of Auckland is trying to undermine their family lives.

Maritime Union national president Garry Parsloe says, “The dispute is not about money. It is about ensuring secure jobs, decent hours and conditions for workers,” he says.

Mr Parsloe says Ports of Auckland is proposing flexibility in the workers’ contracts that will mean they are on-call for shift work around the clock, while outsourcing and casualisation will undermine their job security.

From MSN New Zealand