Two more longshore union members were arrested Sunday for allegedly blocking a train Sept. 7 bound for the EGT grain terminal at the Port of Longview, union officials said.

Cowlitz County sheriff’s deputies Sunday arrested [both members] on suspicion of second-degree trespassing, a misdemeanor. Both were released Sunday after posting $500 bail each. They were among the 200 plus protesters from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21 who stood in front of the Hall of Justice Friday afternoon. Union officials said Longview-based Local 21 members tried to turn themselves in so they wouldn’t be arrested in front of their homes or around town.

Local 21 President Dan Coffman said the “made-for-TV” arrests are a waste of taxpayer dollars because law enforcement ignored the longshoremen’s offer of peaceful surrender. About 30 people have been arrested and cited for trespassing in connection with the train blocking.

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