Port of Seattle environmental programs take top honors among nation’s ports

Seattle's Port Commission President Bill Bryant has earned the support of labor and clean air advocates and said, "The Port of Seattle is committed to protecting our environment while generating thousands of family-wage jobs."
The American Association of Port Authorities named two of the Port of Seattle’s environmental programs as winners in the 2011 Environmental Improvement Awards competition. The port was honored for stakeholder awareness, education, and involvement in the Terminal 117 cleanup process, and won the Comprehensive Environmental Management award for their implementation of the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy.
“Longshore workers breathe the air at the port for tens of thousands of hours in our lifetime, and we appreciate that the port has created a successful model for cleaning up the air in our industry. The Port of Seattle’s approach is a win for our community because it promotes good jobs while making great strides in reducing emissions for us and for our friends and neighbors,” said Cameron Williams, President, ILWU Local 19.