Ports operator Patrick stevedores sent text messages to workers last night saying they will not be paid if they front up to work today. MUA sources said Patrick had declared all-out war on the waterfront.
Wharfies had been planning partial work bans as part of their ongoing industrial dispute with the company over pay and conditions.
However Patrick’s decided to effectively shut them out, saying that any work they do that involves industrial action will not be paid for.
In the text, a Patrick’s manager said: “Please be aware that if your work bans are in place you will not be paid until the bans are lifted.”
The move follows revelations that Patrick’s was planning to lock out workers in a repeat of the 1998 waterfront dispute.
The Maritime Union of Australia deputy national secretary Mick Doleman said Patrick’s refusal to consider improvement to safety and training left the union with no option but to proceed with targeted protected industrial action.
“This is a disgraceful act and the company should be condemned,” Mr Doleman said. “It’s un-Australian to refuse to pay workers who front up for work.”