Why are conservatives suddenly up in arms about the Jones Act? Because, they claim, it’s a labor-inspired rule that’s obstructing aid to a Gulf Coast being ravaged by the BP oil spill.

This is, as it happens, entirely false. No waivers have been requested yet because so far none have been needed. The Jones Act doesn’t apply to vessels like oil skimmers that would be used in coastal areas, and the world’s largest skimmer, a converted Taiwanese supertanker, is in the Gulf and will begin operations soon. It doesn’t apply at all more than three miles off the coast, where the spill itself is taking place. There are, it turns out, over a dozen foreign flagged ships helping out with spill operations. “To date,”  reports FactCheck.org, “25 countries and four international organizations have offered support in the form of skimming vessels, containment and fire boom, technical assistance and response solutions, among others.” Only one offer has been declined.

From Mother Jones Magazine, July 2, 2010