The following photos were taken on after 60 police officers stormed the SINTRAJAP longshore union hall on May 26,  2010.

Police barricade the streets around the union hall.

Police barricade the streets around the union hall.

Police carry barricades

Police carry barricades

The SINTRAJAP union sign is in the upper left corner.

The SINTRAJAP union sign is in the upper left corner.

The police smashed in the union's doors and tore posters off the walls.

Police destruction at the union hall.

Police smashed in the union's doors and tore the workers' posters off the walls.

Police smashed in the union's doors and tore the workers' posters off the walls.

In all, about 60 police occupied the building and surrounding blocks.

The cardboard sign says that the port's management belongs to the people of Limon and should not be conceded.