Dockers protest at the Port of Limon.
The International Transport Workers’ Federation has redoubled its protests to the Costa Rican government over the apparent, attempted deliberate destruction of a legitimate port workers’ union and brought this to the attention of its trade union members.The ITF has contacted its 741 affiliated unions with the following appeal:
“It is with the greatest concern that we note the information received from our affiliate SINTRAJAP about the troubles within Costa Rica. SINTRAJAP has been involved in an ongoing struggle with the government who is trying to privatise the ports of Puerto Limon and Puerto Moin. This would have a detrimental effect on the workers and SINTRAJAP has tirelessly opposed the government’s plans. In its latest move, it seems that the Costa Rican government has removed the democratically elected leadership of the union and replaced them with people who are in favour of the privatisation. We must ensure that our brothers and sisters in Costa Rica know that our dockers worldwide are behind them in their struggle and are ready to support them.